EMUNI Network

EMUNI is a network of 179 higher education, research and other institutions all over the Euro-Mediterranean area. Based on our market analysis, there exists a notable demand among students for educational programs in the fields:

EMUNI invites you to cooperate with us to increase the exchange flows of students, professors and researchers, across Europe/Mediterranean research projects in the following ways:

We look forward to your suggestions for cooperation in any of the above ways, we will answer to any of your initiative.

Benefits of Full Members of EMUNI Network

EMUNI Full Members are EMUNI founders, the cosignatories of the EMUNI Foundation Charter, other higher education, research and other institutions and/or organisations, who have applied for membership and whose membership has been approved by the General Assembly. EMUNI full members exercise the founders’ rights, if they fulfil the obligations from Article 14 of this Statute and pay the membership fee. EMUNI full members have the following rights:

  • to appoint one representative and to participate at EMUNI General Assembly, when physically convened, on the costs of EMUNI;
  • to vote and to be nominated/appointed as a member of the EMUNI bodies (Management Board, the Senate and their commissions);
  • to be invited and to have priority at all EMUNI joint projects and actions in the field of higher education (joint and double degrees, notification their degrees at national quality assurance agency, students and professors exchange, international conferences, summer schools…) and research (joint project application);
  • to have priority in using Erasmus (for students, academic and administrative staff), other EU funds and EMUNI foundation scholarships and other related projects;
  • to have the opportunity for their faculty to publish in our scientific journal International Journal of Euro-Mediterranean Studies (indexed SCOPUS) and receive hard copies for their libraries upon request;
  • to have increased international visibility and exposure through EMUNI website, social media and newsletter;
  • to have preferential networking opportunities;
  • to have advanced collaboration in educational activities (master programs, summer/winter schools etc.).

EMUNI Network Map

List of adhering institutions