Skills Validation for Borderless Labor Integration into European Markets

EN_Co-fundedbytheEU_RGB_WHITE Outline

About the Project

The SKILLBRIDGE project aims to bridge the gap between skills acquired outside Europe and those recognized within its borders, addressing the challenges migrants face in securing employment due to unverified qualifications. By innovating validation tools and services, the project empowers individuals to identify, certify, and present their competencies to potential employers before migration, promoting greater inclusion and diversity in the labor market. A key focus is assessing the feasibility of Certification Hubs aligned with European standards, positioning the European Skills Certification as a tool for labor market integration and social cohesion.

Recognizing the growing importance of soft skills in recruitment, SKILLBRIDGE is developing standardized assessment criteria for non-cognitive competencies. Through meta-analysis and field testing, the project aims to establish objective metrics and methodologies for evaluating and comparing these essential skills, ensuring fair and transparent recognition across industries.


  • Develop procedures and tools for skills assessment and validation to ensure equal access to the labor market for migrants.
  • Create a virtual Skills Validation model for large-scale application.
  • Facilitate organizational integration through soft skills recognition.
  • Train professionals and organizations to collaborate with public services and job agencies.
  • Provide validated policy recommendations on migrant integration and skills validation at national and EU levels.