The Euro-Mediterranean University (EMUNI) has a registered publication activity. Its publishing activity encompasses the publishing of The International Journal of Euro-Mediterranean Studies and of scientific monographs and books falling within the scope of EMUNI’s mission.

The International Journal of Euro-Mediterranean Studies (IJEMS) is an open-access peer-reviewed journal for the study of the Euro-Mediterranean region. It aims to promote engagement with the realities and ideas in the Euro-Mediterranean region, thereby developing scholarly capital and improving intercultural understanding among scholars. It publishes articles on contemporary affairs or past aspects using a variety of methodologies and approaches, representing the full geographical range wherever it is published.


Jaka Vadnjal, Euro-Mediterranean University, Slovenia

Associate Editors

  • Barbara Gornik, Science and Research Centre Koper, Slovenia
  • Karim Moustaghfir, Al Akhawayn University, Morocco
  • Chahir Zaki, Cairo University, Egypt

Editorial Advisory Board

  • Abeer Refky, Arab Academy for Science, Technology and Maritime Transport, Egypt
  • Francesco Martinico, University of Catania, Italy
  • Mona Esam Othman Fayed, University of Cairo, Egypt
  • Claudio Cressati, University of Udine, Italy
  • Lola Banon Castellón, University of Valencia, Spain
  • Nataša Urošević, Juraj Dobrila University of Pula, Croatia
  • Boštjan Udovič, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia
  • Maysoun Ibrahim, Palestinian Syndicate for Information Sciences and Technology, Palestine
  • Péter Kacziba, University of Pécs, Hungary
  • Lotfi Ben Romdhane, University of Sousse, Tunisia
  • Mejjad Nezha, University Hassan II of Casablanca, Morocco

Editorial Office

EMUNI University
Kidričevo nabrežje 2, 6330 Piran, Slovenia

Phone: +386 59 25 00 50
Fax: +386 59 25 00 54

Please see full information at:

EMUNI Book Series

EMUNI publishes scientific monographs and books for a general audience.

Our latest book

“The Mediterranean: A Shared Heritage”
by Mohammed Elrazzaz
About the book
More than just a book about the Mediterranean, this is a work for the Mediterranean and its people. It celebrates the Mediterranean’s rich history, culture and heritage by presenting some of the region’s most captivating stories: historical anecdotes, unlikely encounters, icons of cultural dialogue and elements of tangible and intangible heritage; all made accessible to readers of all backgrounds.
A Mediterranean odyssey in time and space, the book takes us not only to cities, islands, monuments and archaeological sites, but also to places in the mind and to living traditions that hold the key to understanding the depth of our shared culture and the sophisti- cation of our human condition in this enchanted part of the world.
Technical description
Soft cover, “French flap” style | 214 pages | Colour photos
About the author
Mohammed Elrazzaz (Cairo, 1976) is an Egyptian scholar and pro- fessor of Mediterranean Heritage at Universitat Internacional de Catalunya (UIC) in Barcelona and member of the Mediterranean Citizens’ Assembly Foundation (ACM). He holds an MA in Arts and Cultural Management (2010) and he collaborates frequently with the Bibliotheca Alexandrina, the German Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen, the Spanish Fundación el legado andalusí and the Slovenian Euro-Mediterranean University (EMUNI).
He works since 2013 for the Secretariat of the Union for the Mediterranean (UfM) in Barcelona. His passion for the Mediterranean culture and people took him to 20 Mediterranean countries; his travel, teaching and working experiences have in- spired him to write this book. His first book titled ‘al-Andalus: History of the Diaspora’ was published earlier this year in Arabic.