Beside the formal application through the centralized system (eVš), you must send to EMUNI  ( the following documentation:

  1. Signed application form (the printed online version)
  2. Cover letter (in English, max. 2 pages, that includes a short chronological description of education and motivation to continue studies on the applied programme)
  3. Certificate of degree (a copy of the degree and a certified translation in English, if applicable)

  4. Formal transcript of records (all completed courses/exams with grades, as certified and issued by the degree awarding institution and a certified translation in English, if applicable)

  5. English language certificate

  6. Certificates of knowledge of the second language

  7. A copy of a personal document (ID or Passport)

  8. A signed Personal Information Consent [Click here to download the file] for storing and managing personal data according to the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)