30 hours

Credit value: 8 ECTS


The course will provide an introduction to digital marketing through focusing on strategy and communication in an international environment, the definition of the communication plan, and the main channels and tools in online communication.

The tools in the online communication: History of the web, online communities, tools and platforms, the definition the communication plan, the centricity of the website, seo and sem strategies.

Content management system and management: The life cycle of online content, the multimedia treatment of content, the usage of main social networking tools and their management.

Learning Outcomes and Objectives

After taking this course, you will gain:

  1. The ability to assess different approaches for marketing strategies
  2. Knowledge of how to evaluate different tools for web marketing
  3. The ability to evaluate and analyze the use of different tools in marketing strategies
  4. Knowledge of how to develop a case for web content management for organisation/team/task

Teaching and Learning Methods

Frontal teaching, working in smaller groups or pair work, independent student´s work, e-learning, debates, case studies, role-plays, presentations.


Activities in e-classroom, project.

Click here to access the full course syllabus

The course is taught by:

Prof. Dr. Ivan Strugar – EMUNI