70 hours
Credit value: 9 ECTS
The course focuses on modern French language and French culture within main business communication contexts.
Communication situations include formal and business communication, and spoken and written language.
Business French: argumentation of a new business idea, presenting market analysis, advantages and disadvantages of entrepreneurship in France, regulation of formal status and social rights in France, negotiation strategies to achieve business results, linguistic strategies for team building, linguistic strategies in resolving conflicts in a professional environment, business communication on social networks (Twitter, blogs).
Presenting local culture in the francophone world: resuming essential advantages and disadvantages, argumentation in discourse (agreeing, disagreeing, causes, consequences).
Learning Outcomes and Objectives
After taking this course, you will gain:
- Understanding in the specifics of different cultures
- Knowledge of the role of French language in relation to international social processes
- Knowledge of argumentative techniques
- Understanding of how to apply efficient business communication in Francophone countries
- An understanding of the decision-making process in mediating linguistic, historical or administrative specifics into another culture
- The ability to reflect on the critical evaluation of intercultural communication
- Understanding in how to prevent negative effects of wrong linguistic decisions
Teaching and Learning Methods
Frontal teaching, working in smaller groups or pair work, independent student´s work, e-learning, debates with texts, case studies, role-plays, student presentations, talks from companies.
Class cooperation, language portfolio and class presence.
Click here to access the full course syllabus
The course is taught by:
Lect. mag. Darja Premrl