Full Professor
Study Programme

Master in Intercultural Business Communication


Italian Language I

Italian Language II

Italian Culture

Area of Habilitation

Italian Literature

Research Area

Literature of Italian language, literature and intercultural communication, as well as the didactics of Italian literature (within the didactics framework: modern teaching techniques, the development of teaching strategies, and motivation when approaching, studying and interpreting literature).

Short Bio

After having finished Italian secondary school in Piran in 1983, Dr. Zudič Antonič enrolled at the Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana, and majored in Italian language and literature, with a minor in History of Arts. She graduated in 1992, acquiring the title Professor of Italian Language and Literature, and History of Arts. Following graduation, Dr. Zudič Antonič first taught the Italian language at secondary school, after which she worked as Senior Advisor to schools with Italian as the official language at the National Education Institute of the Republic of Slovenia. In 1998, she took part in the implementation of an improvement programme for primary school teachers of Italian at the Faculty of Education in Ljubljana.

In 2002, she completed a Master in Didactics and Promotion of Italian Language and Culture (Master in didattica e promozione della lingua e cultura italiane) at the University Ca’ Foscari of Venice, which was nostrificated at the Faculty of Arts in Ljubljana, thus allowing her to take the academic title of MSc.

Dr. Zudič Antonič completed the doctoral programme Dottorato di ricerca in Linguistica e Filologia moderna, settore scientifico-disciplinare di afferenza: L-LIN-01 Linguistico-Glottodidattico (PhD Programme in Modern Filology and Linguistics) at the Ca’ Foscari University of Venice in November 2007, presenting her thesis on ”Literary Education in an Intercultural Perspective.”

Since 2000, she has worked at the Faculty of Humanities at the University of Primorska in Koper, where she teaches Italian literature as part of the course in Italian Studies. As a researcher, she collaborates on major projects and is a coordinator of many others.

Contact: nives.zudic@emuni.si