Kick-off Meeting of FishAqu Project in Portugal

18 December 2019. A kick-off Meeting on the FishAqua Project is taking place in Aveiro, Portugal where repsentatives of EMUNI University, Dr. Jerneja Penca and Ms. Ana Šajn are presenting EMUNI University role in this project.

The “Knowledge exchange in sustainable Fisheries management and Aquaculture in the Mediterranean region” is a project funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the Europen Union. The main project output is a master’ degree programme on Sustainable Management of Fisheries and Aquaculture (SMFA) arranged according to Bolognian principles.

The project involves a suitable and diverse range of partners in order to benefit from their different experiences and expertise in the project field.

During this meeting in Averiu topics such as analysis of report on labour market, comparison of educational programmes in EU, Egypt, and international

Universities, development of a competence framework, preparation the training of PC academic and administrative staff and more, were the key discussion between partner and program countries.