The purpose of EMUNI staff mobility in Marseille, France, was to connect with the University Aix-Marseille and more precisely with the TETHYS Consortium of Euro-Mediterranean Universities.

EMUNI employee, Ms Polona Oblak met the Tethys team, as well as the head of the International Relations Department of the University of Aix-Marseille and the Vice-Rector of the University of Sousse, which is already part of the EMUNI network institution.

At the same time, she participated in two workshops/General Assembly organized by Tethys on the theme of education, training and mobility “Les Mobilités Positives : vers un nouveau modèle de mobilité pour la jeunesse méditerranéenne” as well as “Coopération universitaire euro-méditerranéenne – Assemblée Générale Téthys Étudiants”.

This mobility posed the opportunity to visit the institute FMES (Fondation Méditerranéenne d’Etudes Stratégiques) in Toulon, where Ms Oblak met the Director General as the Head of national and international cooperation, with a view to forging new links and inter-institutional collaboration.

EMUNI University will cooperate with the Aix-Marseille University and the Institute FMES by implementing internships and mobilities for students and staff. We will also cooperate in organising round-tables and collaborate on projects related to education in the Mediterranean area.