Master in Kinesiology of Human Performance
Philosophy and bioethics in kinesiology
Philosophy (Univ. of Primorska)
Religious Studies (Univ. of Ljubljana)
Ethics, contemporary philosophy, philosophical theology
Professor of Philosophy and Head of the Institute for Philosophical Studies at the Science and Research Centre Koper, Professor and Dean of Faculty of Humanities at Alma Mater Europaea and Adjunct Professor at Bennett University, India. Member of European Academy of Sciences and Arts (EASA, Salzburg). Received KAAD grant (Universität Tübingen), Fulbright grant (Stanford University) and Humboldt fellowship for experienced researchers (Max Weber Kolleg, Universität Erfurt). Authored 12 books, among them Antigone’s Sisters: On the Matrix of Love (SUNY Press, 2021), Breath of Proximity (Springer, 2015) and Pragmatist Variations on Ethical and Intercultural Life (Lexington Books, 2012). (Co)edited 20 books, recently Shame, Gender Violence and Ethics: Terrors of Injustice (Lexington Books, 2021), Atmospheres of Breathing (SUNY Press, 2018) and Borders and Debordering (Lexington Books, 2018). President of Slovenian Society for Comparative Religion.