The University of Urbino Carlo Bo is one of the four Universities which co-founded EMUNI University in 2008. Since then, the University of Urbino Carlo Bo is a member of the EMUNI General Assembly and closely collaborates with EMUNI, namely on EMUNI’s Master in Intercultural Businnes Communication (IBC).

In the interest to keep cultivating this close relationship with the University of Urbino, EMUNI’s Education Department visit to Urbino was fitting. Once again actual mobility and in-person meetings with a partner institution were a productive way to explore avenues for tighter collaboration. The visit lasted from the 28 to the 30 of June and allowed our colleagues Alenka Beznik and Mitja Gerževič to discuss the new IBC curriculum, courses and internships.

The goal of the visit was also to lay down a roadmap for a future common study programme. Our colleagues dense agenda included meetings with the staff of the Erasmus Office as well as meetings with Prof. Claus Ehrthart, his colleagues Prof. Klaver, Prof. Sarti and Dr. Francioni from the Department of Communication Sciences, Humanities and International Studies.

The visit was also the occasion to iron-out details about Erasmus+ exchanges between EMUNI and Urbino and promote EMUNI’s International Journal of Euro-Mediterranean Studies (IJEMS) in the interest of greater cooperation in the area of research.

EMUNI and University of Urbino agreed to cooperate further on the promotion of the IBC programme. This will be crucial to increase the visibility of the info days that Alenka Breznik organises throughout the application period, the next of which will take place on the 25 August.

Ultimately, in their meeting with the Erasmus office, Alenka and Mitja gathered useful practical information for our students bound to Urbino in the next semester.