On 11th of December 2024, in Vilnius, Lithuania the project partners of EU project CHESS will attend the CHESS final event, where they will present its Social Innovation in Action Manual. Mentioned manual documents their experience iterating existing ecosystem-building tools in four European pilot countries- the goal was not to reinvent the wheel, but to use what already exists! Project partners will be sharing, in a practical way, these learnings of applying social innovation tools to real-life challenges. The Social Innovation in Action Manual will be available for its open use among all types of stakeholders interested in using a social innovation and ecosystemic approach to tackling their most complex socioecological challenges.

A few words about the CHESS project – Using ecosystem-building tools to tackle socioecological challenges: The Change Hubs for Ecosystemic Social Solutions (CHESS) project, funded by the Horizon Europe Programme, aims to untap the full potential of social innovation (SI) by contributing to improving its practical application and by helping social innovators to better interact within the wider innovation ecosystems. Instead of creating yet another toolkit, CHESS tests and improves existing SI methods and instruments that aim to enhance the collaboration between diverse innovation actors. Under a “learning by doing” approach, the CHESS project designs, implements, and tests ‘in action’ a Social Innovation in Action Manual in four pilot countries, Slovenia, Italy, Lithuania, and Greece, around four distinct use cases that address concrete societal challenges, each systemic, within local contexts: Blue Economy, Youth and Female Unemployment, Refugee integration, Climate Change.