The Euro-Mediterranean University (EMUNI) performs research in areas relevant to the university’s mission. Research work is conducted either by its own research staff or by academics from institutions belonging to the EMUNI network.

EMUNI is a registered entity for research activity. Its entry number in the Slovenian Current Research Information System (SICRIS) is 3353.

EMUNI Research Interests

Euro-Mediterranean regional cooperation
Science-policy interface
Science diplomacy
Sustainable development
Blue economy
Sustainable tourism
Water, food, energy nexus
Violent extremism
Prevention of radicalisation

Recent Output of Research Projects

Penca, J., Said, A., Cavallé, M., Pita, C., Libralato, S. 2021. Sustainable small-scale fisheries markets in the Mediterranean: weaknesses and opportunities. Maritime Studies.

Lukas Egarter Vigl, Thomas Marsoner, Uta Schirpke, Simon Tscholl, Sebastian Candiago, Daniel Depellegrin. 2021. A multi-pressure analysis of ecosystem services for conservation planning in the Alp. Ecosystem Services 47 

Jerneja Penca. 2020. Mainstreaming Sustainable Consumption of Seafood Through Enhanced Mandatory Food Labeling. Frontiers in Marine Science 

Jerneja Penca, Alicia Said, Marta Cavallé, Simone Libralato & Cristina Pita. 2020. Market opportunities for artisanal and small-scale fisheries products for sustainability of the Mediterranean Sea: Towards an innovative labelling scheme. Euro-Mediterranean University. Available at

Jerneja Penca, ‘Regulatory instruments of transnational environmental governance’, in V. Heyvaert and L. A. Duvic-Paoli (eds.) Research Handbook of Transnational Environmental Law, Edward Elgar (2020)

Jerneja Penca, ‘Towards constructing a positive narrative for fisheries: Report from International Symposium on Fisheries Sustainability: Strengthening the Science‐Policy Nexus FAO, Rome, 18‐21 November 2019’ (2020) Fish and fisheries

Jerneja Penca, ‘Book review of Veerle Heyvaert: Transnational Environmental Regulation and Governance. Purpose, Strategies and Principle’ (2020) 33(2) Governance: An International Journal of Policy, Administration, and Institutions 453-6

Jerneja Penca, ‘Blue Economy in the Euro-Mediterranean: Implications of the Policy Paradigm’ (2019) 11(2) International Journal of Euro-Mediterranean Studies 69-92 

Jerneja Penca, ‘Transnational Localism: Empowerment through Standard Setting in Small-Scale Fisheries’ (2019) 8(1) Transnational Environmental Law 143

Jerneja Penca, European Plastics Strategy: What promise for global marine litter? Marine Policy, 2018, Volume 97, November 2018, pp. 197-201

Transnational Localism: Empowerment through Standard Setting in Small-Scale Fisheries  by Jerneja Penca, Transnational Environmental Law, 2019, Volume 8, Issue 1, pp. 146-165, doi: 10.1017/S2047102518000328