David Bizjak

PhD Lector
Study Programme

Master in Intercultural Business Communication


French Language

Area of Habilitation

French language, Friulian language, linguistics

Research Area

Sociolinguistics, language policies, cultures of the French speaking countries (Francophony)

Short Bio

In 2022, Prof. Dr. Bizjak gained a PhD in the field of languages and interculturalism: the influence of language policy on the development of Europe´s less widely spoken languages at the University of Primorska, Koper (SLO). Following his graduation in 1995 in French language and literature & English language and literature from the University of Ljubljana (SLO), he went on to gain a Scientific Masters in the field of Comparative Romance Linguistics: ´The verb as a sentence element in Friulian and French,´ in 2002 also from the University of Ljubljana.

Since 2010, he has been employed at the Faculty of Humanities, University of Primorska, Koper, as a lector of French, and since 2013, regularly as a lecturer of the French language, French as a professional language, French language in the intercultural context, contemporary cultures of French-speaking countries, translation from French into Slovenian, and sociolinguistics (at graduate and master level).

Prof. Dr. Bizjak also serves as a student tutor, runs several degree mentorships, is a member of the Senate of the Faculty of Humanities, and is in charge of students’ compulsory modules abroad.

Among his publications are 5 original scientific articles, 6 articles in scientific monographs, as well as several professional articles.

