Establishing the EMUNI Knowledge Hub for Euro-Mediterranean Studies
The Euro-Mediterranean University (EMUNI) was granted a new Jean Monnet Project for building a Knowledge Hub in the Euro-Mediterranean region (hence, MED-HUB).
MED-HUB aims to explain, discuss and develop EU engagement in the Euro-Mediterranean region on the one hand, and generate student interest in EU activities on the other. It entails the organisation of 7 events: an opening conference, 5 topical theme-specific workshops (exploring the current scholarship on regional development studies, and based on this, developing a modernisation and upgrade of the curricula, better suited to the current challenges in the region), and a closing conference pooling conclusions on how to improve the study of the EU and the Mediterranean region.
The workshops will bring together a group of academics from various universities across the EU and the region, in order to discuss topical research, as well as youth to ensure that the policy-academia dialogue evolves through a focus on young people and their involvement. Each of the events will result in recommendations, curricula outlines, publications in the International Journal of Euro-Mediterranean Studies, and reports on the messages gathered from young people as to how they think the policies and research should develop – which will be used for key dissemination tools. The content will be disseminated via a dedicated website and social network, publications in the International Journal of Euro-Mediterranean Studies, and cooperation with relevant networks and mainstream media.
The project will result in benefits at EU level – EU policies and visions will be discussed by academics and policy makers and checked against the realities of youth today – whilst applicants will also gain visibility as the stable core of their academic partners. Finally, the higher education sector will benefit from better integration of the Euro-Mediterranean into the curricula. All of this will empower the EU and the region towards inclusive growth and sustainable development.
Duration of the Project:
1st September 2018 – 29th February 2020 (18 months)
Coordinator’s Contact:
Euro-Mediterranean University (EMUNI)
TEL: +386 59 25 00 50 | FAX: +386 59 25 00 54
Funding Agency:
Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union
Find out more information for the project at our official project website.