MARINE RENEWABLE ENERGIES: Fast-Advancing Technologies And Promising Opportunities

EMUNI is pleased to announce the launch of its webinar “Marine Renewable Energies: fast-advancing technologies and promising opportunities” organised in cooperation the Union for the Mediterranean and with the support of the German Agency for International Development Cooperation (GIZ).

The event took place online on the 17 of November 2021 from 9.30 AM (CET).


Ms Jerneja Penca, Head of Academic Affairs, Euro-Mediterranean University

  • Opening remarks

Mr Felix Leinemann, Head of Unit MARE A2, European Commission for EU co-presidency

Mr Mohammad Al Sakran, Executive Director, Transport & Logistics for Jordanian copresidency

  • Developments at UfM level

Mr Grammenos Mastrojeni, Deputy Secretary General, Energy and Climate Division, UfM

Ms Alessandra Sensi, Head of Sector, Environment and Blue Economy, UfM

EC offshore renewable strategy and the Mediterranean potential
Mr Thomas Bregeon, DG ENER, European Commission – replaced by Ms Celine Frank

Potentials of MRE
Mr Hatem Labidi, Strategy and project design, Mediterranean Renewable Energy Centre

Renewable energy for islands
Mr Gianni Chianetta, Founder and Director, Greening the Islands

Deploying marine renewable energy through maritime spatial planning
Mr Erik Giercksky, Head of Ocean Stewardship Coalition, UN Global Compact – replaced by Ms Martha Selwyn

Offshore renewable energy for a blue economy and socio-economic benefits
Mr Roland Roesch, Deputy Director of Innovation and Technology Centre, International
Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA)

Towards a sustainable offshore wind farm sector in the Mediterranean region:
addressing environmental and social sustainability aspects
Mr Mauro Randone, Regional Projects Manager, WWF Mediterranean Marine Initiative

Building the way to sustainable MRE investment
Mr Christos Smyrnakis, Renewable Energy Specialist, European Investment Bank

PELAGOS project (Promoting Innovative Network Sand Clusters Form Marine
Renewable Energy Synergies in Mediterranean Coasts and Islands)
Mr Markos Damasiotis, Head of Development Programmes Division, Centre for
Renewable Energy Sources and Saving

BLUE DEAL project: the importance of involving citizens to build a blue future for all
Mr Simone Bastianoni, Professor, University of Siena

Potential of wave renewable energy
Mr Yair Rudick, Business Development Manager, Eco Wave Power

Impacts of climate change on European islands for 2030–2100 and their decarbonation
Mr Carmelo Javier León González, Scientific Coordinator, SOCLIMPACT project

Greening at the port of Valencia: integrating wind and wave energy
Mr Javier Abanades, Offshore Energy Manager, Typsa – Wind Power

Experience with MRE in the CPMR Intermediterranean Commission
Mr Dominique Jardiné, Chef de service, Service Mer et Littoral, Direction de la Biodiversité
et de la Mer at the Région Sud
Mr Julien Ciglar, Chargé de mission Filière du futur, Energies marine Renouvelables,
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