Piran 11th of March, 2020
The global COVID-19 outbreak is spearing no region in the world. Particularly in Europe, the impact is clearly felt as cases are daily on the rise. Diminished mobility, health safety measures and social distancing are disrupting the way we live and do business. Many schools and universities across Europe and the World have been closing their doors and events all around the world are being canceled.
While we hope that we will be seeing the end of this crisis soon, we have a responsibility to protect our students, co-workers and partners. To this end, EMUNI has taken some measures, following the WHO guidelines published on the 27th of February. We have converted our educational activities requiring physical presence to e-learning. We will have are staff working from home until the end of March 2020 and we postponed all events, including our annual conference until the end of April 2020. Until then, we will hold important meetings, like the EMUNI bodies and projects’ meetings by video-conferencing.
In this occasion, I would like to express my deepest gratitude and appreciation for our partners in Morocco, The Euro-Med University of Fes (UEMF) and Al-Akhawayn University (AUI) in Ifrane for their support availing all required resources to host our events. I am also grateful to the Secretariat of the Union for the Mediterranean (UfMS) for their continuous support and guidance that they have displayed to all our activities. Once this crisis subsides, we will reschedule the annual conference in consultation with our partners.
I want to seize this opportunity to wish the Euro-Mediterranean academic community, and in particular our Italian academic partners and colleagues, safe navigation through this crisis, averting the health risks, overcoming disruptions to work and enduring the subsequent social nuisances.
I am sure that, together, we will emerge from this crisis stronger and wiser.
President of the Euro-Mediterranean University (EMUNI)
Prof. Dr. Abdelhamid El-Zoheiry