The MEDiterranean countries: Towards Internationalisation at Home (MED2IaH) project consortium held 2 key events this month in Fes, Morocco within the context of Emuni University’s Annual Conference.
From 15-16 September, the MED2IaH project meeting saw all partners discuss MED2IaH progress. On 16 September, the Moroccan partners organised the MED2IaH national conference for Morocco, which was the 3rd panel of the Annual Conference.
The events also facilitated the signing of an agreement of cooperation between Philadelphia University, Jordan, and Pegaso Online University, Italy, both of whom are in the MED2IaH consortium and members of the Emuni network inner circle.
Representing EMUNI University, Dr. Nada Trunk Sirca -
Representing Antonine University & UEMF
Representatives of Pegaso Online University, Italy and Philadelphia University, Jordan -
Consortium partners
MED2IaH is primarily designed to have an impact at system level and trigger reform processes at national level in Mediterranean Partner Countries (PC). By developing policies that adequately address real problems at institutional level in each PC, MED2IaH will ultimately benefit the whole HE sector.
For more on the project, please go to: