30 hours
Credit value: 8 ECTS
Part I of this course will introduce you to internet marketing, digital marketing channels, social media and internet marketing, email marketing and automatization, influencers and marketing, online advertising and PPC (pay-per-click), internet marketing strategy, website design and development – content creation, website analytics/testing, and trends and issues. Part II of the course will examine web copyright intellectual and material property rights, security – risk, fraud and malware, PRIVACY Policies GDPR- UE, data default, privacy legal issues, e-marketplaces legal issues, social-networking unwritten rules, e-commerce contract, and ADR and ODR (Alternative Dispute Resolution and Online Dispute Resolution.
Learning Outcomes and Objectives
After taking this course, you will:
- Understand the importance of internet marketing and its features for different environments
- Know how to identify the factors, strengths and limitations of internet marketing
- Know to critically evaluate the need for internet marketing in the modern societies
- Understand how to critically analyse and interpret issues and dilemmas of internet marketing
- Understand trends in internet marketing and how it has changed due to development of ICT
- Know the importance of strategy, planning and implementation of internet marketing
- Knows how to design internet marketing strategies
- Acquire knowledge in the importance of internet site content according to legal norms
- Know international privacy norms and common fraud perpetuated, and active defence form fraud
- Gain awareness of the legal, ethical and social challenges of introducing and using internet marketing
Teaching and Learning Methods
Frontal teaching, working in smaller groups or pair work, independent student work, e-learning, case studies, presentations, talks from companies
Longer written casework, shorter written casework, presentation.
Click here to access the full course syllabus
The course is taught by: