The Blue Economy and Sustainability - the EU and the Mediterranean (BLUES)
Seas and oceans are gaining considerably more prominence in global and regional policies, both for their environmental function and as sites of socio-economic development. EMUNI university is dedicated to the capacity building towards sustainable blue economy, in support of the proclamation of the UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development (2021-2030), the significance of the sustainable blue economy for the Euro-Mediterranean region (most recently recognized at the UfM Ministerial Declaration in February 2021) as well as the EU’s commitment to European Green Deal, which encompasses the vision for the oceans and marine resources.
The Jean Monnet Module titled “The Blue Economy and Sustainability – the EU and the Mediterranean” (BLUES) is focused on supporting the running of a summer school on sustainable blue economy for 3 consecutive summers (2021, 2022 and 2023). It is targeting graduates with master’s degrees, PhD students and young professionals with an interest and experience in blue sectors from non-academic paths. The BLUES summer school will offer a combination of distance learning, supervised research or entrepreneurial work, face-to-face interactive teaching and field trips, underpinned by an interdisciplinary, cross-sectoral and proactive approach.
Supporting dissemination and research activities will form part of the implementation of the project.
The project BLUES is co-financed by the European Commission through the Jean Monnet Module, and has been awarded to EMUNI University for the period 2020-2023.
Project number: 620186-EPP-1-2020-1-SI-EPPJMO-MODULE
The applications for the summer school on sustainable blue economy 2021 are closed. We have 38 participants from 18 countries. Due to ongoing difficulties related to the management of the pandemic, we had to take a difficult decision to host the summer school in the online-only form. The programme of the summer school is available here.
Sustainable development underpinned by blue economy is a shared vision for the Euro-Mediterranean area and is of concern to both North and South-Mediterranean countries. The vision of sustainable blue economy is based on the recognition of both the vulnerabilities of seas and oceans, and their potential for growth. It promotes smart solutions for marine and maritime challenges within the framework of sustainable development.
The goal of the summer school is to support the creation of stable and attractive career pathways and skilled talents that will be needed to support the expansion of marine and maritime sectors.
Specific objectives of the summer school are:
to improve professional skills and competences relevant for the development of the marine and maritime sectors and ocean governance in support of Sustainable Development Goals,
to gain knowledge of challenges and opportunities in specific marine and maritime sectors,
to foster networks and partnerships that can help to scale-up activities in support of sustainable blue economy, including research, entrepreneurial and communication actions,
to stimulate an attitude of active contribution to positive change for conservation and sustainable use of the Mediterranean Sea.
June 2021, as per the format (see below)
1-10 June online learning, part-time
10-18 June hybrid training: face-to-face full time period in Trieste, Italy, and Piran, Slovenia (if the pandemic situation allows so), and online learning, part-time
21-30 June part-time student engagement on distance
Application deadline
13 April 2021 at 14.00 (CET)
Postgraduate students of any discipline related to the Blue Economy (see the Themes and Approaches section), especially from the Euro-Mediterranean countries and Black sea countries, are invited to apply.
Candidates must fulfil the following conditions:
have completed undergraduate programme, obtained at least 180 ECTS (or equivalent);
are eligible to study at the postgraduate level or are postgraduate students or researchers;
have knowledge of English (level B2 or higher);
have demonstrated an interest in the Euro-Mediterranean region and the theme of blue economy.
In the selection of participants, we seek to ensure their geographic diversity, gender balance and young researchers participation.
Two possibilities are currently under consideration, depending on how the pandemic will evolve:
Hybrid version
Fully online version
Version A (Hybrid version)
Phase 1: 1-10 June online learning, part-time, about 10 hours, consisting of interactive sessions and self-study
Phase 2: 10-18 June hybrid format training
in presence + online (if the pandemic situation allows so):
full time face-to-face in Trieste, Italy, and Piran, Slovenia. During this period 10 students will take part in lectures, field visits, workshops, team-work, and have the opportunity to attend some specific, blue economy-related panels of the ongoing International Symposium Diplomacy, Economics, Science and Religions meet in Trieste (10-13 June)
25 students will attend the lectures online, part time (only mornings)
Phase 3: 21-30 June part-time student engagement on distance, about 10 hours
Version B (Fully online version)
Classes and activities spread in the period 1-30 June, with
1-10 June asynchronous learning (you are free to follow the activities at your leisure)
14-18 June synchronous activities (you should be able to be present on the indicated times)
21-30 June asynchronous activities
Themes and approach
We offer introductory lessons to sustainable blue economy and the themes relevant for the entire region, i.e. the EU countries as well as non EU-countries. This year, the summer school will focus on the following selected themes in particular:
Marine litter
Climate change
Marine spatial planning
Note that all participants will be expected to use the summer school as an opportunity to produce a publication based on applicative research or an entrepreneurial idea. Each candidate must commit to develop an entrepreneurial idea or a short research or policy output in one of the areas of interest (marine litter, climate change, seabed, fisheries, marine spatial planning). The commitment to produce an output is a condition for participation. During the Summer School, mentors support will be provided to the candidates for the development of the project work.
Fees and costs
10 selected participants will be able to attend in person the summer school free of charge (full waiver of tuition fees), including all field trips. 25 students will be admitted to attend the online part of the hybrid formula (only mornings). If the pandemic situation will not allow the face-to-face format, the number of participants online will be 35. In case of face-to-face session, travel and accommodation costs will be covered by the organization. Participants need to be able to bear any other costs not mentioned above (including meals).
All participants need to arrange valid visas, if needed. We are able to assist with issuing a letter of acceptance but do not organize visa procedures or cover the costs for granting visas.
Organisation and funding acknowledgement
The summer school is jointly organised by EMUNI and OGS.
The EMUNI University acknowledges the funding by the European Commission through the Erasmus+ Programme. OGS acknowledges the funding by the Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research (MIUR) within the framework of the Western Mediterranean Forum (Dialogue 5+5) and the support by the CEI (Central European Initiative). The initiative is included in the Blue Skills project, labelled by the Union for the Mediterranean.
Application procedure:
To apply, you will be asked to provide personal data, information on your studies, a full CV, a statement of support by your institution, and a motivation statement. We ask you to provide short answers to the questions of a) why do you want to participate in the summer school and b) what do you see as the key challenges towards sustainable blue economy in the region.
Applications must be submitted in English.
Accepted participants will be notified by the end of April.
Personal data
In accordance with the European General Data Protection Regulation, we gather and process personal data provided by candidates in the application form only for the organization of the summer school and the purpose of the assignment of the grant. We do not transmit any kind will to third parties.
Funded by
Endorsed by
Supported by
Fisheries and aquaculture in the blue economy
Mediterranean fisheries and aquaculture are crucial for employment, food subsistence and identity of coastal regions but they are also part of global multi-billion seafood industries.
While carrying important stakes for the prospects of the blue economy, they are suffering from multiple environmental stressors, such as pollution, temperature rise, acidification and invasive species, as well as causing them through overfishing, impact on habitats, discarded fishing gear. Social inequalities and injustices are also present.
The summer school will examine the status of fisheries and aquaculture in the Mediterranean and for a part focus on the North Adriatic in particular (territorial seas of Slovenia, Croatia and Italy) as the location where the summer school will take place. Furthermore, it will explore the challenges and innovative opportunities in the sector of capture fisheries and aquaculture (fish, shellfish and seaweed) and identify points of intervention for both sectors. Besides examining the status of each of the sectors, the summer school will point to the interplay between fisheries and aquaculture as well as consider interactions with other sectors in the marine and maritime realm (tourism, transport, conservation etc.) The summer school will deploy a regional, Mediterranean perspective on sustainable management alongside national perspectives, and highlight regional approaches. The environmental impact will be studied alongside issues of employment, culture preservation, food security, gender, decarbonisation, traceability and technology advancements.
We foresee a combination of lectures, study visits and interactions with stakeholders.
Specific objectives of the summer school
• gain knowledge of the status of and opportunities for fisheries and aquaculture in the Mediterranean, in the context of the interconnectedness of economy, society and environment;
• foster partnerships that can help to initiate and accelerate activities in support of the sustainable blue economy, including research, entrepreneurial and communication actions;
• promote an awareness of the diversity among people in the Mediterranean and the understanding that humans are part of marine ecosystems, and to support the needs and rights of nature;
• stimulate an attitude of active contribution to support and restore healthy and resilient ecosystems.
Date and venue
9-13 May in Piran, Slovenia, preceded by part-time remote learning via an online platform.
The summer school is open to postgraduate students of any discipline, from the Euro-Mediterranean countries or with an interest in the region.
Candidates must fulfil the following conditions:
• have completed an undergraduate programme, obtained at least 180 ECTS (or equivalent);
• be eligible to study at the postgraduate level or are postgraduate students or researchers;
• have knowledge of English (level B2 or higher);
• have a clear motivation for applying to the summer school.
The number of participants is 25-30.
In the selection of participants, we seek to ensure their geographic diversity, gender balance and diversity in the education background.
Fees and costs
All selected participants will attend the summer school free of charge and in person.
Additionally, EMUNI provides accommodation in shared dormitories (2-people of the same gender).
Travel and subsistence costs (food) in Piran for the duration of the training, are at the participants’ expenses.
Visas and entry requirements
All participants are responsible for complying with the entry requirements to Slovenia. Participants, who need to be in possession of a visa, should organise their visa procedure and cover the costs for granting it. EMUNI supports the accepted candidates with an invitation letter.
How to apply
Application deadline is 6 March 2022.
To apply, you will be asked to provide:
- personal data,
- information on your studies,
- a full CV,
- a brief motivation statement answering to the following questions:
1)Why would you like to participate in summer school and what do you hope to achieve with it? (min 200 max 400 words)
2)What is the key challenge for the fisheries and aquaculture sectors in the next 5 years?
3)What aspects of fisheries and aquaculture do you expect to discuss during the summer school?
Applications must be submitted in English.
Accepted participants will be notified by mid-March.
Innovative and transformative capacity building for sustainable blue economy in the Mediterranean
Sustainable development underpinned by a blue economy is a shared vision for the Mediterranean area and is of concern to both North and South-Mediterranean countries. The vision of a sustainable blue economy is based on the recognition of both the vulnerabilities and potential for growth of seas and oceans. It promotes smart solutions for marine and maritime challenges within the framework of sustainable development.
Sustainable management of the marine environment requires professionals which are trained with the adequate knowledge and skills in multidisciplinary fields related to marine sciences, and with the capacity to transfer such knowledge and skills to future generations. The topics of both the summer school and advanced training will be addressed both through theoretical findings and practical applications. Their crucial role in marine policy implementation will be outlined.
The future of humanity depends on Ocean’s health and on our ability to manage it in a sustainable way. To make good decisions, capacity building in ocean sciences management is fundamental, and the summer school together with the training of trainers will provide a basis for its development and application.
The goal of the summer school and training of trainers is to train promising talents operating in the marine and maritime sectors and to foster networks and partnerships that can help to scale-up activities in support of a sustainable blue economy, including research, entrepreneurial and communication actions.
Specific objectives of the summer school are:
- to identify relevant blue skills that are needed in the labour market for the development of sustainability in blue economy sectors in the Mediterranean region,
- to reskill and upskill the identified professional competences relevant for the development of sustainability in marine and maritime sectors and ocean governance in the Mediterranean region,
- to provide the necessary skill set for blue economy experts, considering the challenges and the opportunities of the twin green and digital transition for the sustainable blue economy,
- to equip young talents with soft and transversal skills through capacity-building activities.
Dates: 5 – 9 June 2023
Application deadline: 28th of February at 2 PM (CET)
Note: The summer school will run in parallel with the Training of Trainers (ToT) organized by the Centre of Excellence on Sustainable Blue Economy (CoE-SUBE) – EMUNI university. Participants of the training of trainers will take part in the summer school and will have extra sessions. For more information about the training of trainers, please click here.
The Summer School is addressed to master students and/or master’s degree holders working in fields related to sustainable blue economy and interested in the improvement of the skills needed to fit blue jobs. Candidates coming from the European Union and of Countries surrounding theMediterranean (including non-EU countries) are encouraged to apply.
The summer school will host 30 participants divided as follow:
15 early-career participants (master students and/or master’s degree holders, practitioners)
15 mid-career participants, also taking part in parallel in the Training of Trainers (ToT) (PhD students, PhD holders, professionals).
Summer School candidates must fulfill the following conditions:
- Being enrolled in a master’s degree program or holding a master’s degree.
- Having knowledge of English (level B2 or higher)
- A demonstrated interest in the Mediterranean region and the theme of sustainable blue economy.
- In the selection of participants, we seek to ensure their geographic diversity, gender balance and young researchers’ participation.
Candidates that are also willing to participate in the Training of trainers, which will take place in parallel with summer school activities, must fulfill the following conditions:
- Being a PhD candidate or holding a PhD.
- A demonstrated interest or experience in teaching topics related to sustainable blue economy.
- Having knowledge of English (level B2 or higher).
- Coming from the North Adriatic region and/or Balkan countries
- A demonstrated interest in the Mediterranean region and the theme of sustainable blue economy.
In the selection of participants, we seek to ensure their geographic diversity, gender balance and young researchers’ participation.
5 – 9 June 2023
Application deadline
28th of February at 2 PM (CET)
The advanced training will be organized in presence both in Trieste and in Piran, in the form of lectures, a field trip, and working groups. Further information on the agenda will be provided.
Themes and training approach
In the Summer School we offer lessons about sustainable blue economy as a whole, through a multidisciplinary approach that takes into consideration the importance of developing both hard and soft skills. Therefore, the lectures will tackle fundamental topics related to the different sectors of the sustainable blue economy, including biotechnology, fisheries and aquaculture, green shipping, marine spatial planning, renewable energy and deep sea mining. Moreover, experts will address the importance of themes such as the nexus science-policy-society, stakeholders engagement, and gender equality.This year, the Summer School will be mainly focused on supporting tools for strengthening the Sustainable Blue Economy in the Mediterranean region, through the reskilling and the upskilling of sustainable blue economy professionals.
Fees and costs
15 participants will be selected to participate in the Summer School in Piran and Trieste. No registration fees are requested and expenses including training materials, field trip, travel and accommodation costs are covered by the organizers. Any other cost, including visa and health insurance and related costs, will be covered by the selected participant.
15 participants from North-Adriatic and Balkan countries will be selected to participate in the Training of Trainers in Piran and Trieste. No registration fees are requested and expenses including training materials, field trip, travel and accommodation costs are covered by the organizers. Any other cost, including visa and health insurance and related costs, will be covered by the selected participant.
All participants need to arrange valid visas and insurances, if needed. We are able to assist with issuing a letter of acceptance but do not manage visa procedures, nor cover the costs for granting visas or insurances.
Organisation and funding acknowledgment
Availability of funding schemes for the participants: selected candidates will be financially supported by the organizations through existing financial schemes:
BLUES – Blue economy and sustainability: the EU and the Mediterranean, co-funded by Erasmus+ Programme.
Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence on Sustainable Blue Economy, co-funded by Erasmus+ Programme.
The Blue Skills initiative, implemented by OGS and financially supported by the Italian Ministry of University and Research (MUR) within the framework of the Western Mediterranean Forum (Dialogue 5+5). Blue Skills was labelled by the Union for the Mediterranean (2019) and won the WestMED project award (2021)
Personal data
Data will be managed according to the privacy policy available at this link Privacy Notice – Summer School | Blue Skills.
A Summer School organized by
Funded by
Labelled by
– What Blue Economy do we want for the Mediterranean? Policy clarification exercise, September 2021
– Launch of the national innovation community for blue economy, Stakeholder event, April 2022
“Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.”